Friday, 15 August 2014

Science Discovery Day

Team One are having two Science discovery Days.  This week we had our first one.
First of all we were in Room 2, our own classroom.  We looked at all the equipment for the first experiment and we tried to think up a question.

Then we did our first experiment - Exploding Colours. We used milk, food colouring and a drop of dish-washing liquid. It was amazing to watch.

For the second experiment we put a big dot of felt pen in the middle of the coffee filter paper. Then we put a drop of water on it and watched what happened.

For the last experiment we put some dots on the bottom of the paper.  Then we put the paper in the water and watched what happened.
 After Room 2 we went into Room 3. We made a wordle about a scientist.
Wordle: Scientists
We looked at the Bottle  Boys and how they made music.  Then we asked some questions which are on our classroom wall. After we discovered how they made their music we made our own instruments that we can blow.

Next Friday we will go to Room and then Room 1 for more Science fun!

1 comment:

  1. Hello all the fantastic children from room 2. Great to see all your investigating in science. I really like the excellent questions that you are wondering about. I would like to hear from some of you who may have thought about answers to the questions. Just bring along your ideas. Anything is OK.
