Monday, 30 March 2015

Ronald McDonald Comes To Visit South School

Today we had a special visitor who came to South School.  It was Ronald McDonald who came to teach us about road safety. He had a really big book that Miss Kennedy read to us. At the end of the show Ronald McDonald gave her his missing red and white stripey sock.



He taught me to go over the road.  Coen

I learnt how to cross the road.  Ronya

I liked it when Ronald Mcdonald lost his sock. Teara

Ronald Mcdonald taught us how to cross the road safely.  I felt happy because I liked the show. Sasha

Stop and take a step back before you cross the road.  I am happy. TK

Friday, 27 March 2015

Olden Days Discovery Day

On Friday we had another Discovery Day.  We did lots of activities.  In Room 1 we made pikelets, butter, wrote with old ink pens and chalk, made fans and dressed up little dress up dolls. In Room 2 we played dominoes, knuckle bones and pick up sticks; played with a doll's house and metal car, made telephones out of cans, made spinning tops, dressed up, did woodwork and built with the wooden blocks. In Room 3 we played circle marbles, played with the marble track and made spinning tops.  Room 4's activities were outside.  They were apple bobbing, skipping and hoops with sticks.  We had a lot of fun.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Team 1's Trip To The Gallery Of History

On Tuesday the 17th of March Team 1 went to The Gallery Of History.  First of all we had a talk and were showed an old gramophone.  We went to 6 different activities which were
1. Clothing, school and olden day toys.
2. Butter Making
3. Washing Clothes and using the mangle
4. Ironing with irons.
5. Personal Washing
6. Extinct Birds.

Here are some of our stories we wrote:

I am ironing with an old iron.  Kash

I am going to the butter making.  William

I did washing with my friends.  We had turns of the washing.  Then we went to another activity.   Mya

I was doing the mangle.  It was fun because I liked it.  I was happy. Sasha

I was scrubbing the washing because I liked it.  It was very fun and then I was ironing.  Sasha


We went to four different stations before play.  We played a game called Fish On The Reef with Miss Hutchings, did a Scavenger Hunt with Mrs. E and an Obstacle Course with Miss Kennedy.

After play we did some relays and then we had a swim in the sprinkler.

Here are some of our stories:

I went up to top field to play the egg and spoon race. Coen

Friday, 13 March 2015

EOTC Discovery Day - Making Shelters and Bivouacs

Today we had an EOTC  ( which stands for Education Outside The Classroom), Discovery Day. Mrs. Bone took us for Making Shelters and Bivouacs. We could use sticks, branches and stones plus some big bits of plastic and some rugs. Mrs. Bone was impressed with what we came up with. We had to leave everything as we found it!

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Maths Today

For Maths this week we are learning to count backwards.  Today Mrs. Bone put us into groups and gave us some numbers.  We had to put them in order from the biggest down to the smallest.  Here are our photos.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

World Cup Cricket Team Sport

We were meant to have this on Friday but it was postponed because of the weather so we had it on Monday afternoon. We were put into 8 teams- New Zealand, Bangladesh, West Indies, Scotland, England, Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka. We played a game where we had to hit the ball with the cricket bat and then run around a cone.

Here are some of our stories:
I played cricket on the top field. by Blende

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Rabbits Visit Room 2

Yesterday we had some rabbits in Room 2.  Three boys from Room 15 brought them to show us.  Then we wrote some stories.

  This is Azareah's story: I saw the rabbits in Room One.  I     am happy because I like rabbits.